Sunday, June 14, 2015

garden journal week 2


week 2 weather was in the 60s to the low 80s with some overcast days and misty mornings.

day 4 - did not go to the garden space

day 5 - checked the water and refilled the bottom flats of the seed trays as needed. added bone meal to the tuber flats that i had forgotten to include bone meal in on day 3.

day 6 - i don't think i have previously mentioned that the owner of the growing space we are using has a dog that lives there at the space. well, she decided to dig up several of the tuber flats and carry off the tubers. the good thing is, they were not harmed and we were able to recover the tubers. the not-so-great part is that the ones she chose to dig up were the ones that arrived in clumps and did not have the variety names stamped on them. so we will just have to wait until they bloom to be able to re-label them with their correct names. so we went to re-situate them today. some of the sunflowers and zinnias sprouted!

day 7 - the dog dug up more tubers, so we ended up stacking palettes on top of the tables we were using for the seed trays and tuber flats, then placing the trays and flats on top of those so that the dog would no longer be able to reach them. this has been effective so far for keeping the dog away from the plants. we also moved the tables a bit so the trays will receive more sun.

day 8 - the seedlings are looking great and the tubers are starting to show green leaves! some of the tubers are looking quite dry, so i am debating whether or not i should give them a bit of mist or moisture. some sources say to keep them absolutely dry so they won't rot, while other sources say to water thoroughly, so i may have to experiment to see what works best for our situation.

day 9 - did not go to the growing space today

day 10 - i sowed 3 more seed trays today (216 plants) and provided them bottom-water from the bottom trays only. (i did not overhead water these trays as an experiment.) the seeds that i planted in succession (a second batch), i planted based on which varieties had the best germination rate in the first batch i planted. altogether, i planted 42 more sunflowers, 72 more zinnias, 24 rudbeckia, 12 echinacea, 6 Jupiter's beard, 6 butterfly flower, 12 lupine, 6 cosmos, 6 nasturtium, 6 basil, 6 hyssop, 6 tomatoes, 6 borage, and 6 cress. i also planted out the last of the dahlias, as the final box of them came in the mail this week. i still need to add bone meal to this tray of dahlias. also, i gave them a bit of water to see how they do as compared to the ones i have not give water. so for today, 216 plants, plus 8 dahlias were set out. many of the seedlings that were planted last week are doing great, though some have not yet sprouted.

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